As a nutritionist and a chiropractor, I talk with many women in pain and struggling with hormonal issues. Nutritional sufficiencies are key to hormonal health, inflammation control, and whole-body health. If you don’t feed your body with the nutritional building blocks it requires to perform its daily functions it cannot expect it to work optimally! …
Breaking free of stress
I see a lot of female clients that are stressed! This stress causes an imbalance of hormones creating a cascade of side effects including weight-loss resistance, frazzled brain, inability to focus, lethargy, sugar and coffee cravings, exhaustion, anxiety, and many other symptoms. When these amazing women try to address the symptoms they get nowhere. They …
7 ways to naturally boost your energy
Most women I know are running around ragged. They are tired yet wired. The spark in their eyes has gone and the bounce has disappeared out of their step. Does this sound like you? I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way. These are some quick and easy tips …