Slow bowels? Only pooping every few days? Are you also noticing? Heavy painful periods Swollen tender breasts Increased body fat on hips and thighs Headaches/migraines Mood swings creating irritability or impatience Did you know your slow bowel movements could be creating these signs of estrogen dominance? When your body is done with the estrogen it …
Are you as Mobile as you Think?
During March, I will be asking my patients to get more mobile for Mobility Month! A recent survey by the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA) found that one in ten Australians claim their pain hindered their ability to play with their children; one in ten indicated impacts on intimate relationships; and one in 20 realised their …
Morning Rituals – how to set your day up for success
IMAGINE THIS… The alarm goes off, beep, beep, beep. It hurts your ears. You press snooze. Just 5 more minutes so that you can wake up refreshed! But to no avail, the alarm goes off again in 5 minutes, beep, beep, beep. No still not refreshed. But this time you know that if you don’t …
Morning Rituals – how to set your day up for successRead More
The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle
I often talk about the benefits of movement, I generally like to focus people on the positives of behaviour change. That’s just me. I like to look at the happy and positive side of life! But sometimes we need to hear the truth. The truth about the lack of movement is that it kills. The …
Do I need to exercise?
I have been working through my own “Thrive After 35” program leading up to Christmas. In this program, there are 4 main pillars of health building to get women over 35 feelings fantastic in their own skin again. One of the pillars is movement. Moving our bodies is vital for health. As a chiropractor who works with …
Feeling Forgetful – especially since the Pandemic?
I have caught myself in the last few days and weeks walking into a room and having no idea why I am there. Was I getting a jumper? (nope, not cold) Was I getting a pen? (nope, it’s already in my hand) Was it to get a phone recharger? (nope, forgotten where I even put …
17 Surprising benefits to walking
The hint of spring and warmer weather is here. Although as I type this it is about 10 degrees celsius outside, freezing and raining. But I have had a few glimpses of sunshine, in the last week or so, that has given me hope that summer is on its way. I even went for a …
7 ways to naturally boost your energy
Most women I know are running around ragged. They are tired yet wired. The spark in their eyes has gone and the bounce has disappeared out of their step. Does this sound like you? I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way. These are some quick and easy tips …