For thousands of years the cycle of wake and sleep was dictated by the sun. The light enabled activity and safety and the darkness was a time to hide away, rest, recoup and recover from the hard work of the day. This is the basis of our human genome. We are wired to sleep several …
The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle
I often talk about the benefits of movement, I generally like to focus people on the positives of behaviour change. That’s just me. I like to look at the happy and positive side of life! But sometimes we need to hear the truth. The truth about the lack of movement is that it kills. The …
Do I need to exercise?
I have been working through my own “Thrive After 35” program leading up to Christmas. In this program, there are 4 main pillars of health building to get women over 35 feelings fantastic in their own skin again. One of the pillars is movement. Moving our bodies is vital for health. As a chiropractor who works with …
Are you a Coffee or Matcha person?
Do you find you need a morning hit of caffeine before you feel human? Do you find that you can’t hold a decent conversation unless you have had your coffee? Are you yawning and struggling to open your eyes before the flat white hits your bloodstream? Finding your patience with the kids is non-existent unless …
Is sugar really as bad as people are making it out to be?
Some people like David Gillespie Author of Sweet Poison – will say a firm YES. “Sugar is very bad news. It destroys (in this order), our teeth, our gut, our liver, our ligaments, our pancreas, our kidneys our blood vessels, our heart and eventually our brain. The science on all of this is now so uncontroversial, …
Is sugar really as bad as people are making it out to be?Read More